Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Over the Hills - Day 82

  Today was almost all roadwalk, but not unpleasant. I wish the hills we climbed and the ridges we were on had names. It would make them more meaningful to me than "just another 250-foot climb." We did lots of climbs and descents in that size range. hill on dirt road

The tops of the ridges are in the 1100-1150 foot range, so the views were impressive. Our current host said he used to be able to see Columbus from up there (60 miles away), but it's too hazy now. I can't even estimate where that far ridge is. Far. vista

The hills were a little more green than the pictures show, and it was lovely and peaceful. We encountered very little traffic. In fact, if you only count dirt roads, we saw two Amish buggies, and three vehicles. This was one of the longer ridge walks. curved road on a ridge

The challenge of the day was four fords. This was the trickiest. This is on a road that is now closed. But it used to be designed with fords. That means there is a concrete pad in the water, and you just drive across it, assuming the water isn't too deep. So, the good news is that there was stable footing, but the bad news is that it was slick with algae or bacteria or both, and the current was swift at this one. But we made it safely across. The next one was longer, but the current was milder and the concrete was not slippery. road ford

I have to include this house picture. There are a lot of Federal style brick houses in this area. A few have been kept up very nicely, but we are usually zooming past those at 50 mph. This one needs some love, but at least on foot I could take its picture. This style was popular mostly before 1830. I love the symmetry, and good lines. Federal house

The best story from today that has no picture is that up on the ridge in the curving road photo above, a farmer drove an all-purpose vehicle up to a gate in a pasture. The back of it was loaded with corn. Once he got through the gate, he started to drive to the top of the hill. The cows saw and heard him, of course. But they knew exactly what he was bringing them! They started running, yes RUNNING, up the hill to catch up with him. I don't think I've ever seen a herd of cows run just because someone brought them food.

Miles today: 14.6. Total miles so far: 1038.4.

See Burr Oak Bluebird of Happiness


  1. My first thought when you said a concrete pad in the water was if it would get slippery being under water.

  2. Our cows always run in for corn. It hurts my knees to watch those big old heavy cows 🐄 run down the hill on their seemingly spindly legs.


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