Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, April 4, 2022

Allegheny Rocks - Day 125

  The day started with a 500-foot climb. Yesterday's snow was still on the ground. Surprisingly, the climb wasn't bad at all. trail on hill in snow

What goes up, of course comes right back down. This time, to Cherry Run. Cherry Run

I love this for the patterns as much as for the geologic story. That brown layer must have had more organic matter than the sandstone. silt pattern in rock

In between the placid creeks in valleys like Cherry Run, there are a hundred little unnamed creeks running down the hillsides at this time of year. I took lots of pictures, but it's really hard to get good ones with the dark trees and the white falls. This one isn't bad.
small waterfall

I loved this rustic bridge on Bloody Run. rustic bridge

The best rocky feature of the day was this narrow space between big boulders where the trail ascends. Nobody has named it anything yet.
trail between rocks

As usual, there are holes eroded in the rocks. But look at this! One of the tiny caves has little rock pillars. (Not to mention all the kinds of lichen.) eroded holes with pillars

When I only had one mile to go, I met a hiker coming the other way. A North Country Trail hiker! She said there were two more behind her and they were from Michigan. Wow! Elizabeth and Cynthia are from the Chief Noonday Chapter, and Lisa is from Ohio. They are backpacking the entire Allegheny National Forest. Go girls! hikers

Today the weather was mid forties- perfect. It was not raining or snowing- perfect. There was a lot less muck- perfect. Despite two long hills, I feel pretty good. It's lots easier to "see" the beauty when the hiking isn't as difficult.

Miles today: 14.8. Total miles so far: 1648.8

See Hemlocks and Railroads


  1. Beautiful area, and so glad that your path crossed with Elizabeth and Cynthia! I have hiked many miles with them in Michigan - we're part of the "Border to Bridge" group. Hike on! April

  2. From your photo the e narrow space looks to be guarded by an elephant. ELEPHANT'S HEAD PASSAGE?

  3. April- cool!

    Nelle- I was thinking do-it-yourself escalator


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