Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, April 25, 2022

Ready to Roll, Or at Least Bobble - Day 146

  No fever today! I feel lots better. Mostly, I contintued to rest. But we took a 6-mile walk that we thought was going to be 5 miles. I was tired but I made it, and it was hot. We just went to town and back to test my stamina.

Maybe I should blame the naughty faeries for my trials. Perhaps I woke them up! fairy door

Many thanks to all of you who wished me well, and happy birthday. I think I'm not going to be able to go back and respond individually. Usually, I go for a hike on my birthday (yesterday). This year, I didn't go for a hike on my birthday! It's always good to change up the schedule, right?

I'm going to try for 10 miles that count tomorrow. That seems reasonable, and the route is not too hilly.

See Still Down


  1. Glad you are giving yourself a break.

  2. Happy belated birthday. Glad you are feeling better.

  3. So glad you're feeling better, but please don't push too hard too soon. Had happy belated birthday! April

  4. Glad to hear you're ready to get back to your hiking!

  5. Hooray! She's ALIVE! So glad you are feeling better!


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