Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, July 22, 2022

Lisbon - Day 234

  Today, I ate lunch under an American Elm. I've seen very few of these in my life, as most were dead of Dutch Elm Disease before I was old enough to care about trees. Nevertheless, I've seen a few. However, I don't think I've ever eaten lunch beneath the canopy of one.

This is in the city of Lisbon. This tree is pretty big but not nearly as big as another they did have which was the largest elm in North Dakota until it finally died of the disease a couple of years ago.
American Elm

Who's under the tree? Gerry from the local NCT chapter hiked with me for most of the day today. He was a great hiking companion because he knew story after story of local history.

Lisbon has an historic downtown, but I didn't take many pictures. They are restoring an Opera House built in 1889, and I was given a tour, but that will have to be a bonus section for another day.

Here's a view of the whole town from the trail. There is new off-road trail south of here that Gerry keeps well-mowed. It was easy to walk.
Lisbon North Dakota

The new trail follows a ridge so you get more nice views of the Sheyenne Valley.
Sheyenne Valley

BONUS SECTION: Charlie's Collection
Gerry also knows a man named Charlie who lives right along the trail.

Charlie collects... well... maybe anything having to do with old cars. For starters, old gas pumps. Do you like the 1940s- 1950s?
vintage gas pumps

Maybe you prefer the 1930s.
vintage gas pumps

He makes model tractors from metal 5-gallon fuel cans.
model tractors

And from sewing machines.
model tractors

He collects oil cans, promotional buttons, gas station signs, even the metal name tags dealers would put on cars they sold (now these are usually stickers), We ran out of time to see even a good chunk of his items because he had an appointment and we had to hike. He also restores and collects (would you be surprised?) cars.

Many of you will recognize this one. 1955 Chevy.
1955 Chevy

He likes Chevrolet.
1950s Chevies

I liked this one a lot. I think it's a 1951, but I'm sure I'll get corrected if I'm wrong.
1951 Chevrolet

So, I got a special treat that most hikers wouldn't, but I'll take it. Charlie said it was all right to take the pictures.

Miles today: 15.0 Total miles so far: 2820.9.

See Sheyenne State Forest


  1. Very nice people you are meeting. I'm sure you are impressing them as well! Thanks for your stories Joan

  2. Wow, that is some impressive collection. I would love to see that in person.

  3. Fifteen miles and museum pictures, too!

  4. Nut- you are welcome!

    Ann- I would like to have time to see more

    Vanilla- well, it was an incredibly fast "tour." Charlie had a Dr. appt to get to, but what fun!

  5. Lulu: "Our Dada says that at their log home in New York, they had a large fountain elm in the yard that had somehow escaped the Dutch Elm Disease, but by the time they moved away it had started to show symptoms and is probably dead by now. This makes him sad."


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