Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Lots of Woods - Day 268

  I'm working hard to say some positive things about today. The weather was nice. For a few tenths of a mile there was the epitome of a running joke Marie and I have had going for years. She promises to not be crabby if I can provide her with a portion of ideal trail every day. That is defined as good clear trail, slightly downhill, with sunshine. Here you go, Marie, although the sunlight was dappled. It didn't last long.
perfect trail

It rained all night, so you know what that means about the woods. The bushes were loaded with water. They were again encroaching on the trail and I was soaked to the skin until around noon. That also means the mosquitoes were happy. But I did like these tall, straight trees in one section.
tall trees

I went through one large area that had been clearcut about 5 years ago. The trail was nicely mowed, and I was ever so thankful, because bushwhacking through 10-foot-tall aspens through slash piles and armpit-high thistles is one of my least favorite things to do.

But, of course, after lunch, I got to do just that in another logged section that had not been mowed. There was also some woods trail that was very overgrown. Well, I got through, but it was late afternoon when I finished. Eight hours on the trail.

I was invited to eat dinner with these three ladies, Stacy, Linnea, and Linda. Stacy and Linnea will be leaving very soon to hike the Camino de Santiago in Spain.

The dinner was provided by my current host, Linda. What a great meal! Appetizers, lasagna, salad, corn on the cob (my first this year), bread, and ice cream cookie sandwiches.

Now I need to get some sleep!

Miles today: 16.6. Total miles so far: 3152.6.

See Rain


  1. Sounds like a rough day but what a meal at the end there.

  2. Lulu: "So much green! I've never seen that much green in one place!"


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