Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Blue Water - Day 278

  The weather was just about perfect today. Low 70s, sun, with a slight breeze. Blue sky makes for blue water. However, the blue in these old mine pits gets an extra boost from dissolved minerals, primarily calcium carbonate (which is things like limestone, eggshells, shellfish- nothing fancy). The minerals increase the reflectivity. This is a mine pit of the Morton Mine.
Morton Minepit

A nifty white admiral butterfly was flitting around. First one I've seen this trip.
white admiral butterfly

This is the Bruce Mine Headframe. It is supposed to be the last standing headframe on the Mesabi Range. It hoisted iron ore from 300 feet underground.
Bruce Mine headframe

Another pit lake from the Duncan Mine. This one was really stunning with limestone stripes in the red ore sides. But there were too many trees in the way to get a nice picture.
Duncan mine pit

You'd think I could frame a picture better than to have a sign growing out of someone's head, but I blame it on being the end of the day when I was tired. A young woman named Audrey hiked the whole way with me today. She is the neice of our current hosts. And Marie hiked with us in the morning too.

Miles today: 15.8. Total miles so far: 3290.1.

See Places to Sit

1 comment:

  1. Love it when the water looks blue like that.
    Nice to have good company while you're hiking.


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