Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, September 9, 2022

Gray Sky, Gray Water - Day 283

  No beautiful blues today. The sky cried on my parade all morning. Clear Lake was gray beneath a flat gray sky.
Clear Lake

Sometimes, the neutrality of a gray background sets off the textures and shapes of other things. Thiss is eelgrass and water lily leaves. (Eelgrass is not a grass, but a flowering plant. See Curly Aquatic Mystery Solved for this plant in bloom.)
eelgrass and water lily leaves

I was pretty wet, even with the poncho. In fact, it was so wet the fish were jumping out of the backs of trucks!
fish lures

It was so wet the deer were wearing life preservers!
deer statue in life preserver

It was so wet a guy driving a boat had rotted away to nothing but a skeleton! But I couldn't get a picture of that. The car towing him was moving too fast.

However, it cleared up around noon, so I dried out before the day was over. One reason there are so few campsites open is that there is a big Harvest Moon Festival in town. We walked around and looked at things the vendors were selling. Also, our neighbor at the campground is one of the vendors, so we went to see her craft items. We ran into the reporter/manager/photographer from the Tower Timberjay newspaper. Her name is Jodi. For those of you who read my Dead Mule Swamp mysteries, the Timberjay is the second paper I've come across on this trip which is as much a one person/family paper as the fictional Cherry Hill Herald.
woman with camera

The Kiwanis were selling blueberry pie. We had some with ice cream. Wild blueberries, not commercial ones!
blueberry pie

Miles today: 16.5. Total miles so far: 3374.4.

See Rocks and Flowers


  1. LOL Wow, fish jumping right out of trucks and deer wearing preservers. That was some day.
    Pie and ice cream was a nice way to finish it off.

  2. Ann- Can't help laughing in the rain at stuff like that

  3. Lulu: "Mmmm, wild blueberry pie! And ice cream, too!"


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