Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Short Range Views - Day 292

  The morning was exceptionally foggy. We couldn't see Lake Superior at all, except for a tiny bit of gray motion where the road was very close to the shore. After three days of rain, the tree trunks in the woods are dark with water, and the light through the lifting fog made colors glow.

Who wouldn't want to hike this trail?
winding trail

The morning began with a climb straight up 400 feet on Sawtooth Bluff, but after that the day was quite easy. This is a beaver pond on Sundling Creek. The boardwalk is more solid than it looks, but materials were being stockpiled to replace it with something more substantial.
Sundling Creek

Just pretty pictures, but that's one of the best parts of hiking- bringing back digital memories of beautiful places.
Sundling creek

I got one quick peek at a non-gray view from the top of a ridge. I thought I'd be able to identify that far lump on the topo map, but I can't. So, it's just a lump.

Even though the Cascade River is far from its mouth here, its already wide. The trail crosses on a road bridge.
Cascade River

This is a cedar root I liked. Lots of bare roots here. Many are picturesque, but I actually stopped to picture this one.
cedar root

We also found wild cranberries (not quite ripe), and a flower that I think I know, but I've never seen it in white. More research needed.

The days seem to be flying by, and I don't feel as if I'm making much progress. I know, "one day at a time." I did start set 2 (of 6) of the SHT maps today.

Miles today: 12.7. Total miles so far: 3453.4.

See Devil Track and No Pincushion


  1. Beautiful photos from the day. Those tree roots are fascinating

  2. Not making much progress!? You've hiked almost 3500 miles and you're still doing 12 miles a day on the rugged SHT. Enjoy the north shore and the coming fall weather.


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