Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Sock Lake - Day 303, part 2

  This is the ending of the day for September 29. Bill, David, and I spotted the cars- a long haul, and then hiked in just a couple of miles to Sock Lake campsite. All the official campsites have a fire grate and a wilderness latrine (a seat mounted over a hole).
Sock Lake

I'd never seen this campsite before (most are down a short spur, so if I haven't camped there, I probably haven't seen it). I like this one. It doesn't have room for more than 3 or 4 tents, but there is a big flat rock beside the water, and after we ate our dinners, we lay out on the rock looking at the stars and satellites as night descended. The moon was a bright sliver setting in the trees, but my efforts to get a good picture aren't worth sharing.
tents in a campsite

The big success of the evening was a really high cache to hang all our food bags. I don't know if you can get a sense of the relative height, but the bags were more than 12 feet off the ground. Don't ask me how many times I had to throw the rope to get it over the limb. The number is embarrassing. David said, "Gentlemen don't ask, and ladies don't tell." I had never applied that advice to this situation, but I like it.

food cache

It was a short, but satisfactory shake-down day to get ourselves organized as a team.

Miles today: 0.7 that counts (plus 1.3 on spurs). Total miles so far: 3548.2.

See Here We Go


  1. LOL, gentlemen don't ask and ladies don't tell. I like that.

  2. Java Bean: "So is the lake full of socks, or do you have to bring your own sock to throw into it?"
    Lulu: "You need to be less obsessed with socks, Bean."


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