Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, October 24, 2022

Bill's Back! - Day 328

  Here's my big surprise. Bill came back to hike with me some more! And we certainly took off with a bang- check out today's mileage.
man in front of tree roots

Because of the road locations, we needed to do big miles today. Two-thirds of them were on road, but we hardly noticed because we found things to talk about. A few big pines lined the way.
large white pines

The sky continued to look ominous all day, but the worst we experienced was a few sprinkles from time to time. We stopped for lunch at Scott Rapids campsite. It's always really nice to have a table. This is on the St. Croix River, and this is all new trail since I was here last.
Scott Rapids campsite

I did another snake resuce. This cute little redbellied snake wasn't interested in holding still so I could get a good picture of his red belly. However, they are really docile, and there wasn't enough sun to really warm him/her very well. I returned him to the leaves at the edge of the road.
redbelly snake

I keep trying to get a nice picture of color against white aspen trunks. This one still isn't what I'd like it to be, but it's not bad.
aspen and oak

Miles today: 18.3. Total miles so far: 3808.5 (Over 3800, but don't get too excited. This is a wonderful milestone, but the fact is that there are slightly more than 4800 miles of trail, and there could be extra detours ahead or whatever. So the remaining mileage is still in four digits for sure, but I'm sure it will soon be down to three digits. Wow! That's going to feel great!)

See People of Note


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