Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Manitou Falls - Day 326

  Very soon after the North Country Trail was authorized in 1980, two places in Wisconsin jumped on board. As I've said before, the National Forests did. We'll get to the Chequamegon NF in a few days. And Copper Falls State Park. But about 1995, Pattison State Park also agreed to host a bit of trail. This park features two waterfalls on the Black River. This is Big Manitou, the highest falls in Wisconsin at 165 feet.
Big Manitou Falls

This is the lower (downstream) falls on the river. I believe it was a rainy day when I was there before. That was in 2005, and there was a lot more water! One thing for sure about waterfalls is that they can look quite different depending on the flow rate. This was 2005 (and also from a vantage point on the other side of the river.
Big Manitou Falls

A sign explained the geology of the falls. It has exactly the same story as the St. Louis River. The glaciers cut through the sedimentary rock above the volcanic bedrock and washed that away exposing the bedrock. The Glacial Lake Duluth I mentioned yesterday? This falls was at the bottom of the lake for centuries, under 100 feet of water, until that lake drained enough to leave what we now call Lake Superior.

There is about a mile between the lower and upper falls. Part of the river there widens into what is called the Interfalls Lake. I won't show you the dismal picture of that from my 2005 hike, but here is the cheerful view today.

I was stunned when I got to Little Manitou Falls. I had no idea it was a pretty little double falls.

This is what it looked like in 2005!

Other than this beautiful treat (with really nice trail- all upgraded since I was last there), the day was roadwalk. I just walked fast to get it done. However, even when the other trees are pretty much finished with autumn, the oaks can still put on a good show.

The weather was lovely and I sure can't complain about that! However, I am very tired and sore. Shopped for groceries after hiking, and I have to move the trailer tomorrow and also hike. Not doing 17 tomorrow!

Miles today:17.3. Total miles so far: 3774.8.

See Wisconsin!


  1. Beautiful! Even with the lower water flow, the falls are lovely. I wish I could come-and hike a section with you! But even if I could, I don't think I could do 15 or 17m mile days. You are an inspiration!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I found your blog whilst perusing FB for trail maintenance issues on the IAT, very nice - thanks. I wanted to drop a note addressing the comment leading off the Day 326 - Manitou Falls post. after graduation from Madison East HS (1977) a friend and I set off to Ashland, WI to hike what was at that time THE 'North Country Trail'. From a very remote greyhound bus drop on Hwy 2 and CTH A, we hiked south to Drummond, WI than east to the (now) observation platform ~ 3 miles west of Mellen, WI - the 'end of the trail!' I now am a volunteer, building and maintaining trails on the IAT, NCT and SHT along with some minor gigs in county and state parks and some private lands contracts. I still hold the small 'postage stamp' fold-able paper map the NPS supplied us as a guide to hiking all the numerous 'Trodes' that, at that time comprised the NCT. Good memories along the infant and now adolescent NCT! Thanks for bringing those memories back, for sure. God Speed.


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