Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, December 21, 2022


  I am safely with my friends, and their church had a Christmas service this evening. It was just what I needed. Joy abounds!
JOY decoration

My friend Doug played harmonica with the pianist. We sang a whole bunch of Christmas carols and read the Christmas story.
man playing harmonica

They ended with what has become a somewhat traditional ending of singing Silent Night with candles.
lighting candles

I loved all the singing, and there was a video with something very interesting to think about. You can see it at Lineage of Majesty

Big thanks to my previous hosts, long-time friends, Kay and Stan. They have each volunteered more than 10,000 hours for the trail!

We didn't manage to quite finish the puzzle, but it's in good hands for completion.

For those of you who have started following the blog because of the hike, I blog every day about something that provides quality for the day. Feel free to tag along, or come back when I pick up the hike again.

See Goodbye Snowy Trail


  1. Sounds like a nice night. I can tell already that's a Santa in a red truck in the puzzle.

  2. Lulu: "I sense a Christmas theme to the puzzle!"
    Charlee: "*I* sense lots of loose pieces I could bat around ..."

  3. Ann- sure is a red truck- with penguins, rabbit, deer, birds, and various Christmasy stuff

    Charlee- all kitties are banned from puzzle tables. Sorry.


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