Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Snow Stress - Day 372

  It snowed hard for a few hours this afternoon, but we think it was not enough to affect any current plans. All we can do is go out and try the roads in the morning.

The best part of today was about 3 miles of trails in the Grand Marais School Forest.
school forest sign

Right after we left that trail system we stopped for a break. We could hear what sounded like a high wind in the trees ahead. We climbed one low dune and there we were at Lake Superior again. The wind was real, although most of the noise was the waves. (Look at all the dead trees washed up on the beach!)
Lake Superior

It was cold! We hiked fast, but the wind has been busy as well as noisy. There were a lot of trees down that we had to work our way around. We were mostly about 50-100 feet away from the edge of the bluff, but the wind was still strong.
trees across trail

When we finally moved away from the lake, it began to snow. Because of that the pictures are sort of dull. It was snowing hard by the time we finished for the day. But I'm always a sucker for a winding path picture.

Today was much hillier than we expected. I don't remember this section at all. I think it must be different from my last time here.
winding path picture

It was snowing really hard by the time we got back to Grand Marais, but everyone said it was supposed to stop. Still, we have a lot of back roads we need to access yet. It HAS stopped snowing. It's going to be pretty cold tonight, but OK again tomorrow. The locals say we will be able to get through on the roads we want to use.

Tomorrow we move again.

Miles today: 13.2. Total miles so far: 4255.1.

See Pictured Rocks 4


  1. Great pictures. I can almost hear the roar of the wavess. And I agree -- winding paths make perfect pictures. Stay safe tomorrow.

  2. The picture of lake Superior gives me a chill :) Love the winding path picture.

  3. Lulu: "School forest? Does that mean there are classes and a teacher in there somewhere? I hope there isn't going to be a pop quiz!"

  4. Ellie and Ann- I seem to be collecting pictures like that

    Lulu- we did not see any classes or teachers, but there were lots of footprints, so there would be smells to research.


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