Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Mailboxes 1

  On the hike last year, I encountered quite a few interesting or whimsical mailboxes. However, even though I really enjoy finding these there were always more interesting features that defined the trail on any given day.

But I'd like to show them to you. Here are three. I especially like ones that are homemade
tractor mailbox

This one is a bit more weathered, but someone spent some time to make this horse.
horse mailbox

Completing this trio is a silo. I think we can safely conclude that these come from a rural area. And, yes, they were all within 25 miles of each other.
mailbox shaped like silo

Things like this just make me smile. Smiling is good.

In other news: I felt good and worked hard on all my projects. I need to be ready to leave here on Tuesday morning, so I need to keep moving. Biggest project news is that I solved an annoying issue of how a piece of software was displaying on the new computer. It just takes forever to make big transitions like this.

See Whimsy


  1. I've seen tractor and animal mailboxes before, but that is the very first silo mailbox I've seen.

  2. Ann- I had to look several times and go closer to be sure that's what it was.


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