Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Yellow Dinner

  Someone mentioned macaroni and cheese the other day, and sometimes that's all it takes to get me to make the real stuff. It's one of my favorites. That is... the baked kind. The only thing was that I had a big block of mild cheddar I really needed to use, and I'd prefer sharp cheddar, but it is still awesome.
macaroni and cheese baked

And we were out of all dessert-y things too. I haven't made this in decades, but I remembered how good it is and the memory was correct. Here's a lemon cake. No artificial flavor. There is the juice and rind of a whole lemon in there.
lemon cake

Totally yummy. I suppose I can't justify cake for breakfast. We'll see if I care in the morning. I like homemade cakes- not from a box. The box cakes seem like so much flavored air to me. This cake is not heavy, but it has a little substance to it.
slice of lemon cake

I should be all set with food until I leave next Tuesday.

In other news: I wasn't very disciplined today. I'm feeling rather obsessed with the database, and so I spent almost all the time I wasn't cooking on that.

See Low Key Thanksgiving


  1. There's nothing quite like homemade macaroni and cheese. The cake looks yummy. Who needs a justifiable reason to eat cake for breakfast...lol

  2. Lulu: "Cake seems like a legitimate breakfast to us. It's got wheat in it, right? And fruit? It's practically cereal!"

  3. Ann- you called it. I had cake

    Lulu- that's what I decided this morning. One whole real lemon!


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