Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Bring Your Chicken to Work Day

Meet Kay-Kay, a Silkie Chicken.
Silkie Chicken

Not only did Jean bring her chicken to work...
Silkie Chicken

...but she wrote a children's book about Kay-Kay!
children's book Kay-Kay

So, it was yet another vendor event. How many pictures of canopies and stuff do you want to see? That's what I thought. I was sharing a tent with Melanie Hooyenga who writes young adult stories. I'll just show you this one.
vendor event

Some authors did quite well, and some didn't do well at all. I did moderately well. At least I'm now in the black, so that's always a plus. The weather could be iffy tomorrow which makes me really glad that I'm out of the stress zone. One can never be sure from one event to another.

It's good to be back with my author friends, discussing author-y things... and chickens.

See How to Sell Books- Bring Your Chicken


  1. Hope you have a good day today. Sell lots

  2. Hi Ann- I know you know how this goes. I haven't added it up yet, but I did OK at least.

  3. Charlee: "Aw, man, I wish our Dada would bring a chicken to work once in a while."
    Lulu: "But Dada works at home."
    Charlee: "EXACTLY."
    Lulu: "Ohhhhhh ..."


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