Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, June 26, 2023

Garden Fairy, Refrigerator Fairy

Remember the Garden Fairy? The one who put a yellow Asiatic lily in my flower bed sometime prior to 2018? Being caged has saved it from the deer (removed for the picture), and I don't know why the moles haven't found it. Anyway... it is blooming! Three buds, two of them open today. I don't know what variety. It doesn't seem to be one of the specialty ones. I wouldn't mind if this had babies.
yellow asiatic lily

And when I got home from the vendor event this weekend, another fairy had been in my refrigerator! Fresh strawberries! Thank you to whomever...

I sure did not get things done today at the rate I had hoped. Errands, paperwork from the weekend, inventory and ordering more books. There must have been other things because I was working all day long, but I can't account for them.

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the things I need to be doing. Hopefully, I can do a better job of getting my act together tomorrow.

And I updated my author web site with upcoming shows and programs.

See One Garden Fairy, One Garden Liar


  1. That's a pretty lily. I could use one of those fairies that brings strawberries.

  2. Charlee: "Ooh, nice! We have to find ourselves a moth fairy or something."
    Chaplin: "I'm pretty sure we already have one of those and she delivers the moths to the pantry."

  3. Ann- I really have no clue. I suspected Cathy, but nope!

    Chaplin- uhoh... Those are bad moths. Get busy kittees!


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