Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Those Same Three Miles

 Since the big hike, I haven't been able to talk myself into doing many road miles. But I wanted exercise this afternoon, have no car, and so I did the three-mile loop yet again. Could I find anything new?

Not much. The pond is always appealing, but there were no ducks. Looking back at earlier posts, it seems as if the birds usually show up about 2 weeks later. But I've already seen robins and red-winged blackbirds. Just not today.

The best part of the pond is a little arm of water reaching back to ??? It makes me want to explore. But I did once, and the owner had a cam somewhere out there and came roaring out in his truck and threw me off the property. He wasn't interested that I was practically a neighbor and was just walking home a different way. Sheesh.

The quaking aspen have their catkins all hanging out.
quaking aspen catkins

But it was a lovely, warm afternoon. My foot is still a little sore, but it did the three miles, and now I have ice on it.

I edited, I wrote.

Total miles hiked in 2024: 156.8 of which 45.4 is North Country Trail

See Three Mile Loop Again


  1. It was warm here yesterday too. I went for a walk after work. I was planning on doing three laps at the park which makes a mile but I was only able to do 2 before I said I had had enough. Definitely out of shape

  2. Java Bean: "Ayyy, that's not a very neighborly neighbor! What did he think you were going to do back there?! Boo to him!"

  3. Ann- good deal. Any walk is better than none

    Java- I know... there I was with a dangerous stick.


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