Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Flowering Trees

 Gosh! I love these days of the full blossoms on the trees.

Here's the crab apple.
crab apple tree in blossom

And the cherry. Usually all I get is blossoms and no fruit that survives the birds, but who knows?
cherry tree in blossom

I totally missed getting a picture of the pear trees. Yesterday they looked nice. Today they are all done!

But my favorite is the apple anyway.
apple blossoms against blue sky

Even though I'm not fond of pink, I love how the buds start out bright pink, but then when they open, they are white.
apple blossoms

And, there have been several of these gorgeous spring days. Here's another mood of my backyard. Even though my kingdom has been getting squeezed, I still have this view.
springtime meadow with trees

I want you to know that I worked my little tail off today. Tomorrow you'll get to see the accomplishments. But I wrote a column in the morning, did laundry, worked on the house, but got only 78 miles of campsites done. I might get a few more done yet, but I'm kinda beat, and the next 100 miles are going to be a lot of work.

See Just Wow!
See Fruity?
See all the moods of my backyard


  1. Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures. So many lovely trees. Most of the crab trees in the Ann Arbor area were damaged by the late freeze and have many fewer blooms this year. But the redbuds are beautiful! We have a dogwood tree that we planted about 12 years ago, and it took several years to get settled. This year it is the most beautiful it has ever been. Seeing everything in bloom and behaving the way Nature intended gives me hope for our crazy world!

  2. The trees all look so pretty. I love this time of year. I used to have a pear tree in my back yard. Spring was the only time I liked it because of the blossoms. The rest of the year I hated that tree.

  3. Ellie- the native redbuds are seldom happy here. We are just a bit more northern than you. I've seen a couple in wooded edges, but they are unexpected. I've tried to transplant more than one, but they never survive.

    Ann- Ha! Sounds like me and that rose bush I have.

  4. Charlee: "Our Dada got to the picture of the cherry tree and then he started off again about 'Do you remember the cherry blossoms in the market square'? As if I've ever been to the market square."
    Chaplin: "Did he go on to say he thought they were confetti in your hair?"
    Charlee: "Of course he did! He always does!"
    Chaplin: "He is so silly."


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