Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Land Protection Talking Points

 Today, the Land Protection Specialist for the NCTA came and met with people from our chapter. The Michigan Regional Trail Coordinator was there, and two people from the National Park Service.

Our chapter doesn't have a lot of places where we need to try to get off road through private property, but we have a few. This meeting included a field trip for most of us to the Vince Smith Bridge (Big Sable River). I'm starting with that picture because it's more interesting.
people on a trail bridge

However, before we got to play in the woods, we met for several hours. Not only did we learn some basics of the process, we discussed a specific place where a landowner has already approached us about options to get the trail off a road for part of that roadwalk.

The great news is that this piece could be moved very soon. That will get 0.25 mile off road. Not huge, but it's a start. There are options to keep going, but they won't happen quickly. This first piece is easy. The next pieces, not so much.

The tamaracks are just getting their needles.
new tamarack needles

And I just liked this. Nothing special- a dandelion and a cabbage butterfly. But they are cheerful.
white butterfly

I didn't get one thing done that I wanted to. It was raining when I got home, so that will have to wait. However, I did get 108 miles of campsites logged.

Total miles hiked in 2024: 214.6, of which 71.6 is North Country Trail.

North Country Trail, near Vince Smith Bridge, 1 mile

See Planning A Re-Route


  1. You may not have gotten anything done when you got home but it sounds like a productive day nonetheless.

  2. Oona: "Butterfly! Oona loves butterflies! And birds! And bunnies! And bugs!"
    Lulu: "You seem pretty fond of Bs."
    Oona: "Yes, those too!"

  3. Ann- Well, I did get some stuff done, but just not what I had planned. I worded that poorly.

    Oona- how about bridge... bridge over wide water. Would you like that B?


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