Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

New Rhubarb Recipe

  The picture of these cookies with the recipe looked amazing. The reality... not so much. They are OK. Just a basic brown sugar cookie (which I've made from another cookbook and previously also declared "meh.")

These have little chunks of rhubarb in them. They're OK, but I have a book that I'll bet has some much better cookie recipe that uses rhubarb.
rhubarb cookies

If anyone local needs rhubarb, I have a ton. Just contact me.

I edited a lot today. Worked outside for a bit, but it was still very wet when I was out there. Then I met with my proofreader. Oh, and I made cookies. Somehow, the day disappeared. I have a meeting this evening.

See Two Uses for Flour


  1. Java Bean: "Ayyy, my Dada was just talking to his Mama and Dada about rhubarb on Sunday! Apparently his Mama also has a bunch of it and is planning to make some kind of rhubarb cake. Also apparently his Mama eats rhubarb raw and rumor has it she is the only person on the planet to do so. Of course she also eats limes and lemons. Our Dada says it is because she is so sweet she doesn't need sugar."

  2. I hate that when I make something that looks/sounds good and it turns out to be less than anticipated.

  3. Java- I can almost eat it without sugar. Just like a tiny bit

    Ann- they are better the second day

    Stew- yes, and that way I'd get to meet you!


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