Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Party's Almost Over

 Wow. We played even more games, although most of them not for points. Steve basically dictated what we did. He's here so seldom that we pretty much let him choose the activities when he does come. Josh is happy to have family time that is more fun than just being here with me alone. I can't sustain the party atmosphere with just two people. Frankly I can't sustain the party atmosphere much longer than a couple of days. I was almost too tired from the cleaning to get the game board set up and organized, even though I'd planned it all way back in Decemeber. But I'm sure glad I did. Steve said he had a great time, and he had a chance to get some much-needed rest.

The prize board was pretty nearly cleared, although no one went for the gift cards, which surprised me a little bit. The numbers on the hooks are game points that have been exchanged for the prizes. However, that big stack of points on the upper left hook will be a donation to Peace Trees, as I explained last night.
prize board after prizes were claimed

We got the nicest family picture we've managed for years. Since Steve has this aversion to being posted on line, I cut out most of him, but you can see that it's a nice photo. The last family picture was in 2018. Of course the green background helps make a good picture.
family photo

Steve did let me take a picture of his Star Wars shirt.

Tomorrow morning, I take him back to the airport.

Omer said he might just sit at the dining room table for a while to enjoy looking at the cleaned area. I said all that open space was just screaming for me to start another project. So goes our lives.

See Game Day!


  1. So glad you had a nice visit. Very nice family photo

  2. Lulu: "We are happy that it was such a fun time! And our Dada says he recognized everybody on that shirt!"

  3. Awww! Such a nice photo and good memories of together time. I'm glad it was so much fun!

  4. Ann- I think it was the best visit ever.

    Lulu- Hooray for Dada, and hooray for us. We did have a really good time.

    Lin- I all worked really well


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