Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Jean's Garden

  Another vendor event in the books!

I stayed overnight at Jean's house, which is always fun. But, once again, I did not take pictures of Jean's chickens, ducks (she still has Jack whom we all watched grow from a day-old duckling on Facebook), and the goose. Maybe next year! But I did get more pics of what's blooming in her flower garden. Well, yes, I did, but it was at 6:30 in the morning, and apparently I was a little shaky on some of them. This is one of the blanket flowers. Really a nice color.

Here's a longer shot of the garden. Since it's on a moderate hillside, it displays very nicely. We only had time for a fast tour because we had to get back to town for the second day of the Arts Festival.
flower garden

This is one of the day liles. I like the colors, but the flower form is somewhat flattened, and I'm not sure I'm crazy about that.
day lily

These looked really nice, but I guess I was fuzzy. It's one of the garden mallows. I used to have some of these long ago, but they bit the dust.
garden mallow

Finally, this is my canopy mate for the event. Dr. Carol Monson whose book is entitled Ageing Optimally. I had some good opportunities to visit with other other authors, which included getting to know one of them much better than I had previously. An author/promoter, Diana Penn, visited to get updated on all her old and new favorite authors, there was much sharing and commiserating and congratulating on authorly topics. A good weekend.

I leave for NY on Tuesday morning, and I have about two days worth of things to do tomorrw to get ready. But I think I have to pretty much let myself rest this evening. I'll leap into action in the morning.

See Jean's Garden in 2021


  1. Jean's garden looks wonderful.
    Safe travels on your next journey.

  2. Ann- she kept apologizing because it's not weeded, but she has a lot of nice stuff.

  3. Java Bean: "Ayyy, we understand it's hard to get all the ducks in a row for a picture!"


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