Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Hometown "Stuff"

  I went to my home church this morning. Lots more pictures at the link below.
interlaken baptist church

And the interior. They only use this big sanctuary in the summer because it's too expensive to heat in the winter.
interlaken baptist church

I took a little walk out front to take a picture down Main Street. Not very many viable businesses left, but it still looks like a small town rather than a ghost town.
interlaken main street

No pictures of people today, although there were interactions. I spent the afternoon with Diane... you'll see her tomorrow. Today you'll have to make do with her model railroad. We drove around a little bit looking at local history stuff, and then we did trail talk.
model railroad

She also keeps the cemetery records, and we walked around there. You may recall that it was Diane who found out that my adoptive grandfather Jack Leary had Seven Sisters. One of the two that I ever met was Cora. And Diane showed me where she is buried. She married a man named Levi Beach.
levi cora beach tombstone

Tomorrow, we are going to roll out and have a fun activity. See you then.

See Home Church


  1. What a nice looking church that is. Sounds like you had a good day. Look forward to reading about your fun activity.

  2. Lulu: "Our Dada says that main street looks a lot like the main street in the village where he grew up! Which I guess makes sense since it was more or less just up the road from there ..."


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