Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Another Walk Around Ludington

 The day stared with engaging my brain much earlier than I like with a radio interview on WMOM with Bill Kerans who is the Director of the Scottville Senior Center. The interview went well, and you can see/hear it if you would like at Interview on WMOM

After that, it was still somewhat cool out, so I took another walk around Ludington, hitting some different streets from last time. You know I'm most interested in flower gardens. The porch and the one with the bench are like real-life examples of the displays at the Philadelphia Flower Show.
flower garden with a bench

porch flowers with marine flag

This one has great textures and colors and shapes. A little past prime, but hey, it's more than halfway through September.
flower garden

Then I came home and finished straightening up before Omer got home, finished editing the How to Hike Book (will upload the revised text tomorrow), and I've made it to tired. Trying to spend a little time on the current pet project.

Yup, the boy is home.

Miles walked in 2024: 448

See True Blue Gumby II


  1. All nice looking gardens. I wish I was more into gardening.

  2. Ann- don't sweat it. It does take time

  3. Java Bean: "Ayyy, you have so many interesting things to see and sniff around there!"


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