Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Thanksgiving on the Table

 We have been trying to figure it out, and I'm pretty sure the last time we had a Thanksgiving dinner on the dining room table was in 2013. One year we went to Indiana to meet Loretta, we got invited to eat with someone else a few times. The years we were both working at the newspaper we were too tired to do anything ourselves. We went to community dinners a couple of times. Then there was Covid, and trailer prep for the hike, and the hike...

Anyway. Ta-da!
thanksgiving dinner

We had pork chops, and they turned out really yummy. Josh was supposed to join us, but he didn't show up. He has no minutes on his phone, so we couldn't call him. I was kicking myself that I hadn't simply said we'd pick him up. O well, he came an hour later. He had fallen asleep and didn't wake up. Then he didn't really want to do anything, so after a while he left. I refuse to get stressed about Josh. I guess he was happy, and he did get fed.

Here was my attempt to have a little fun. There is a veggie one in the link below.
fruit on a plate arranged like a turkey

And what about that pie? We managed to discipline ourselves to not eat some for breakfast. But we definitely enjoyed it for dessert. It's up to standard.
piece of pumpkin pie

Other than the cooking and meal prep, I did not do a thing all day. It was nice and relaxing.

See Thanksgiving 2013


  1. I love your fruit turkey. That's so cute. Good job on holding off on the pie until dessert.

  2. Funny you should mention pie for breakfast. As I am reading this Friday morning and having just finished off a piece of pumpkin pie for my breakfast. It's a vegetable, so it must be good for me!

  3. Ann- we are managing to be quite good!

    Doug- the two best breakfasts in the world- pie and cold pizza

  4. The table and food look GREAT! There is something about sitting down at a nice table. But...that may just be me. Adult children are tough to navigate sometimes. I find that too. Best to not engage in the drama and let it go...which it sounds like you did. Hard to do sometimes though. Hey...at least he came over. Pie is awesome!

  5. Lin- yes, Josh is just different. I always feel like I should provide some activity he would like after we eat, but I can't figure out what. When Steve is home we play games, but Josh alone doesn't want to do anything, and conversation is a near impossibility. So we mostly just sit. It's a challenge.

  6. Java Bean: "Ayyy, our Mama and Dada never do Thanksgiving here, but they get invited places sometimes. This year they had two Thanksgivings since their friends invited them for actual Thanksgiving and then some other friends had nothing going on and invited them for post-Thanksgiving the next day. And we STILL did not get to try any of the leftovers!"


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