Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Best Photos of July 2022

 Here are the best of the pictures I think I took from July 2022. This was from the big hike. I know that was forever ago, but I've always wanted to try to share the best from each month. I have a lot of bad ones from this month.

I am saying these pictures are "best," not because they necessarily tell the story best, but because I think they are simply the best actual photographs. I've left them full size, so you can click on them and see them larger. That always makes photos look better. Three are cropped a bit, and one had the color saturation increased a tad.

I got a lot of wildlife and flower pictures, but most are only of the quality you can use to ID things, not really nice pictures.

They are chronological from west to east.

This is the Lonetree Wildlife Management Area seen from the eastern end of the McClusky Canal. If that irrigation project had been finished this would all have been flooded. Now, it's a beautiful recreation area. (Some officials realized the irrigation project was headed for environmental disaster).
Lonetree Wildlife Management Area

Next up is showy milkweed. I like that I got several stages of buds and blossoms
showy milkweed

I can't really identify this golden dragonfly. I've seen lots of them in North Dakota over the years. I guessed another golden one as an immature saffron-winged meadowhawk, but the wings are different on this one.
golden dragonfly

Here we have a Western Grebe. Look closely. She has a baby on her back!
western grebe with baby

This is a worked field with something just coming up. I like the pattern.
sprouting field

There are two amazing railroad bridges across Lake Ashtabula which is a dammed area of the Sheyenne River. This is the Karnak Bridge.
Karnak Bridge

I am forever trying to get good pictures of the White Pelicans. They are amazing birds, but very shy. I think this is my best success to date.
white pelicans

A hazy morning in the Sheyenne Valley.
Sheyenne River Valley

And a brighter afternoon in the Sheyenne River Valley.
Sheyenne River Valley

Finally, the Sheyenne flows through Fort Ransom State Park and gathers itself into a setting that looks almost eastern. But this was a very appealing scene to me.
Sheyenne River

And how did today go? Pretty well. I did some computer work, laundry, changed my bed and showered. I'm going to have to be careful to not do too much computer time. Hurts the eyes. I also walked around the house (just inside) for 15 minutes, but that's the most I've done for 10 days. Very encouraging.

See Best Photos from June 2022


  1. All excellent choices. I was going to try and pick a favorite but several jumped out at me.

  2. Oona: "Wow, that is a tall and rather spindly-looking railroad bridge. OONA MUST CLIMB IT ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP!!!"


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