Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Swishes and Swirls

enhanced photo of sand

Just having fun today. These are all pictures of swirly details from my afternoon walk, but then I played with them a bit.

enhanced photo of sand

No official game here at all, but can you guess what each picture started out as?

enhanced photo of sand

I couldn't resist messing with the colors too.

enhanced photo of sand

See My World is Blue
See No Bird in the Apple Tree


  1. I must come back and look at these again tomorrow - too weary tonight, I am going around in circles! They're intoxicating.g

  2. Very nice photos!! Beautiful textures and designs--no matter WHAT they began as....ha ha!

  3. Here are my guesses:

    Sand on the bed of a shallow stream, leaves by the waters edge, an imprint (of a boot?) in the sand, dappled light through the leaves.

    Am I close? :-)

  4. RNSANE- Intoxicating! I like that idea. (well, not literally, but that my pictures made you feel that way)

    Karen- I love textures. I should do this more often.

    John- Here you go: sand on the bed of a shallow stream (you were right on!), foam collecting in a slow eddy of the same stream, a double knot on a fencepost, and clouds on a gray and overcast afternoon.

  5. I'm glad you already answered these because I would have never guessed. The first two look to me like there are leaves in them. I like that third one because it makes me think of a satellite photo of a lost city or something.

  6. i think the picture is look misterius,
    little blur, deep, and ...

  7. Hi Ratty- Yeah, that third one reminds me of the old game Xevious.


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