Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Another Adventure at Ludington State Park

shadow of hiker and dog

Now it's snowing, sloppy and cold. Two days ago it was in the mid 40s, and I couldn't stay home all day! Maggie and I went to explore another un-named trail at Ludington State Park. It led into the dunes. I followed a number of pathways, and just walked around some (walking in loose sand will give you your exercise quota quickly!)

This southern area of the park isn't developed. There are a few ski trails west of where I was, and the trail I found last fall is just to the east, and down the edge of the dunes. This section is just acres and acres that are wild and solitary.

dunes at Ludington State Park

I found one of the places where you can see both Lake Michigan and Hamlin Lake. I have no idea if that is really the highest point in the park, but it's high and in the right place. The pictures aren't super clear because it was hazy. The first picture below is to the east, and is Hamlin Lake. I had to pull both of these views in with the telephoto.

Hamlin Lake from the dunes

Looking to the west, here's Lake Michigan

Lake Michigan from dunes

I'll be exploring here some more next summer!

See A New Trail to...
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  1. The shadows add more stories to the lakes.

  2. All of that big scenery looks great. It looks like a wonderful place to explore.

  3. Looks like a wonderful place to hike and explore.

  4. love the shadow shot and the scenery

  5. i really like that shot of the shadow in the dunes, are those dunes that look like mountains behind the trees in the 2nd photo?


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