Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Foggy Morning

trees in fog

This picture was taken about 9:30 this morning, but the fog hung around until afternoon. It did move out and we had a bit of sun in the late afternoon.

My car had a tune-up. The little Subaru doesn't need them very often, but when it's ready it lets me know with a consumptive little cough.

Tomorrow is a work day. It's also predicted to be sunny, so I'm hoping to bring you some pretty pix from.... somewhere!

See Foggy Mornings
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  1. I love fog when at home, makes me feel I am walking in the clouds, but when traveling and excited to see majestic landscapes and I cannot see them at all because they are hidden in fog, I wish for fog to be lifted up.

  2. betchai- It was a sleepy kind of day, so the fog was ok. But I sure liked the sunny afternoon!


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