Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

U is for Umpity-Four

Yup, it's that B-day thing, and I'm that old. Wow.

My celebration was Saturday afternoon. Ellen, Loren, Dave and I went to Gale's Pond.


We had a little cookout.

cooking on grill

What did we cook? We had genuine "Chicago Style" Hot Dogs.

Chicago hot dog

Today, my goal was to just enjoy a leisurely pace. I mowed part of the lawn, and made Morning Glory muffins to take to my writers' group tonight. I read a bit, and did some of my normal computer stuff. Many, many people sent me greetings on Facebook. I'm pretty amazed at that.

Here, have a muffin!


See Easter and Birthday
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  1. Happy B day, a bit late, now that the day is almost over. I'm glad you enjoyed your celebration on Saturday. Looks like a good time. But one question, so what is all that stuff on top of the dogs that make them Chicago Dogs? They look yummy.

  2. Happy Birthday and thanks for the muffin. It was delicious!

  3. Looks like the perfect day! :) I'm glad you had a good birthday.

    LOVE the hot dogs! I'm proud of you that you weren't tempted to put ketchup on them. That is a HUGE no-no when it comes to Chicago Style.

  4. Belated happy birthday & sounds like you had a great day :)
    I'd happily eat one of those muffins right now!

  5. Happy belated birthday. The food looks great.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day.



  6. Great Combination of Birthday and Easter and it looks yum... Great AtoZ Blogging. Getting close to Zeee..

  7. Belated Birthday greetings! Looks like you had a super day - especially with the hot dogs!

    And, how lucky, you had glorious sunshine - it is wet, wet, WET here in the UK, and still the local water authority have imposed a hosepipe ban!

    Oh well, happy A-Z'ing!

    SueH I refuse to go quietly!
    Twitter - @Librarymaid

  8. Glad you had a great birthday. In case I missed it on Facebook, happy late birthday.

  9. Happy Birthday. It sounds like you had a perfect day. Thanks for the muffin

  10. It sounds like a beautiful way to spend your birthday!!! Thanks for stopping by and visiting Gonna Eat Worms.

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog! (www.mummyisagadgetgeek.co.uk).

    The 24th is (was!) my birthday too :)

    It was way too wet for barbecuing here though, we went for a thai meal in the evening and I spent the day with Bubby D, taking her swimming and to her singing group like normal. I had fun, sounds like you had a great day too.

    Happy birthday to us!

  12. Looks like fun!! Now if you can have a cook out and make all those lovely things, you can also write a real letter! hehe : )

  13. Happy birthday! Thanks for the muffin.


  14. I love your blog! Thank you for commenting on mine too!

    This post makes me want to BBQ! Well, and make cookies. :)

  15. I didn't discover Chicago Dogs until I was almost 50 and now they are one of my favorite foods. Your photo made me crave one...LOL!

    Looks like the perfect way to spend a birthday!

  16. Happy belated birthday, Joan. Yours is actually quite near mine, then.

  17. And a very happy belated birthday to you! The muffins look yummy. Why morning glory?
    Checking in from A to Z.

  18. The muffins and the dogs look wonderful! Happy belated b-day! Thanks for popping in my blog. I'm still finding fun writers, even here at the end. Happy to follow!

  19. Great spot for a birthday BBQ. Hope you had fun and a happy birthday.

  20. Those are some interesting looking muffins. Reminds me of Zucchini bread. What are they made of?


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