Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

V is for Vesper Sparrow

This is a treat, although it probably looks like a little brown bird. Yesterday, in my back yard, I snapped these pictures of Pooecetes gramineus, the Vesper Sparrow. (And how convenient that its name starts with V!) I keyed it out, and then checked with our local bird expert, and it really is a Vesper Sparrow, only an occasional visitor in our county.
vesper sparrow

I first became acquainted with this bird in the Adirondacks of New York, on a hike. We never saw the birds, but were sung to sleep by them most nights. Their song is very sweet, and they sing in the evening-- hence the name.
vesper sparrow

Notice the white eye ring, and brown cheek patch with white around it.

You can listen to the Vesper Sparrow at Jungle Walk

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  1. Hi There
    Duckie returning your call, like your post, lots of birds where we live,in the town but only minutes from the local park where Pepe and I go everyday.

  2. In the second photo he, or she, looks like a real poser.

  3. Cool pictures. I have a cardinal nesting in a bush out front with several hatchlings in the nest. I have a couple pictures of the babies with their hungry little mouths up and open, waiting for some food from Momma.

  4. Vesper Sparrows. Wow, it's been a long time since I've seen them. And belated happy birthday.


  5. I like that name "Vesper Sparrow." Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday.

  6. Nice V letter for the day. I don't know much about them, but I do like hearing them in the spring. Very peaceful. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  7. Did you take those pictures? They're gorgeous!

  8. Nice photos.
    I use Jungle Walk a lot. It's helped identify a lot of birds in my area. (Nova Scotia).

  9. Thanks for visiting my blog! That picture of the Vesper Swallow is so cool! I can never catch birds on camera like that. :)

  10. I don't think I've seen this bird in NYC, but then again it could be in the botanical gardens. I've seen lots of interesting birds there.

  11. Hello,
    I must admit I never saw this kind of sparrow before. Thank you for sharing such beauty.

  12. This is a new kind of sparrow for me, and I always love seeing something new.


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