Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, October 19, 2012


Today I felt better than yesterday. Thank goodness! Still working on reporting for this week's work cases.

Here are a couple of my favorite pictures from earlier in the week. Reflections of autumn trees in a lake, and in a window. The window must be triple pane glass and it made a really interesting image.

tree reflected in lake

tree reflected in window

Have to go to bed. Two more days of this.

See Reflection
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  1. Lovely Autumn colors and reflections! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Reflections on your week. Neat! That second image makes me feel a bit queasy. It's almost like motion sickness. Nevertheless, it is interesting. :)

  3. I'm with Chuck---I was seasick from the second photo, but the first was LOVELY!!

    I hope you are feeling better soon, pally. :)

  4. Nice reflections. The second does have a dizzying effect

  5. Eileen- Thank you!

    Chuck- Just accept the blur- it's a lot like life

    Lin- I will feel much better on Monday

    Ann- Go with dizzy- it's exhilarating.

  6. Second photo a definite "WOW!" Colors appeared here this week and are fading fast. Still warm here also.

  7. Lovely photos and you're right...life can be a bit blurry from time to time.


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