Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Tree Sparrow

I'm trying hard to learn some of these little brown guys that I don't know as well. There were lots of these at the small wetland I visited a week ago. But I wanted to verify the ID with a birder friend.

He says it's definitely Tree Sparrow, Spizella arborea.

tree sparrow

They arrive in the fall and spend the winter here. Of course, the big problem with so many of these sparrows is that they don't let you get a very clear view of them. However, you can see the rusty crown (similar to a chipping sparrow), but this one has a bi-colored beak. Check for that!

Then you can try to separate it from the Swamp Sparrow. Finally I got a clear front shot at one. The throat is not white, as it would be in the Swamp Sparrow, and it has that light central spot.

tree sparrow

Well, whether you care which sparrow it is or not, it's very cute!

See Field Sparrow See Chipping Sparrow
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  1. I like sparrows. We have a cluster of them that nest in the yews underneath the front windows and it's fun to watch them. The cat, needless to say, LOVES watching them too! Bird TV!

  2. Who care who they are.

    As long as they are beautiful.

  3. I find sparrows very confusing I've used Roger Tory Peterson's Eastern Birds to try to identify various varieties of sparrows. Mostly, I get confused, end up with a headache and the book goes back on the shelf. :(

  4. Had so many different sparrows around our yard and feeder that I despaired of sorting them out; just enjoyed watching them.

  5. even with you pointing out the difference between them I probably still wouldn't know one from the other

  6. i am not good in identifying birds, if I get so confused, i just call them either big bird or small bird, haha/.

  7. I like the sparrows and welcome them to my feeder. A lot of people only want the fancy birds like cardinals, but I appreciate the beauty in these little guys too.

    I like his poufy hair-do!

  8. Sidebar: I miss the kaleidoscope, and yet the oak leaves are very attractive, and the background allows the text to come up much quicker.

  9. Hi Rebecca- they are kind of homey birds

    rainfield- Well, I like to know what they are- that left brained part of me.

    Chuck- I agree. I couldn't decide between tree and swamp sparrow using various guides, so that's when I went to my bird guru. Maybe I'll get better.

    vanilla- the ones I see often I know well enough. I need to work on the others

    Ann- it only matters if it matters to you!

    betchai- they've all been called LBB by many! (little brown bird)

    Lin- he really does have a pompadour!

    vanilla- yes that last background image was huge, but I used it for a while because it was so pretty. Time for a change, though!


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