Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, December 3, 2012

Engage, Embrace, Enjoy

dove wrapper with sentimentI'm no great believer in fortune cookies, but Dove candy wrappers are running a pretty high percentage for me! You might remember another really nifty one from Tempt Your Sense of Exploration. But today, Engage, Embrace, Enjoy was a little chocolate gift from a different person.

First of all, here are my hosts for Friday and Saturday nights, Bruce Matthews and Linda JeRue. They gave the party Friday night, and I stayed at their house. Don't you love those smiles! I think they make a great couple.

Bruce Matthews & Linda JeRue

Maggie had to go along with me because Om is still on his trip. She's never traveled with me very much and had to do a great many new things. I wasn't sure how that would go with such an old pup. However, she handled it very well. She was good about staying on her bed. She was a little confused sometimes, but didn't get frightened or noisy. I'm very proud of her.

dog on mat

But, whose house is her bed in?

Chuck & Sylvia Hutchinson

Chuck and Sylvia's! Don't you think Sylvia offered me the perfect little sweet with that Dove chocolate? Believe me, she provided much more than one little candy! Their eating style is very much like mine, and I enjoy eating with them. We also attended a Bible study, and visited lots and lots!

Every once in a while,you meet someone who is more or less instantly a great friend. I feel that way about them. You can visit Chuck's blog at Secondary Roads

Now, Maggie and I are home safe and sound. She's quite worn out, but I think everything went well. Back to work tomorrow!

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  1. Sounds like a lovely night at your friends. Your dog is so cute, I am glad she was a good girl. Have a wonderful week ahead.

  2. Aw gees, I missed out???! RATS! Oh, how I would love to just sit and visit with you, Chuck and Sylvia. Oh, and Maggie too. :)

    Good people, you are very right.

  3. Clearly you had a great time. I am envious.

  4. I am envious too Vanilla. Oh my to go and actually meet Chuck and Sylvia would be marvelous.

    You all look great and so happy. And thumbs up for Maggie for proving to be a real trooper. She is lovely!

    Happy day!

  5. I'm visiting from Chuck's blog (he left a link saying to come read here... who am I to argue?). :)

    Glad you had a nice visit, they do seem like a really nice couple.

  6. sounds like a wonderful time and I bet Maggie enjoyed it as well

  7. Mafggie looks so cute in her bed, glad you had a wonderful time with friends.

  8. Eileen- It's a great thing when blogger buds become ditto in real life.

    Lin & Vanilla- Sorry to make you jealous, but I have the advantage in that I live a bit closer than either of you. And I was going within 30 min of them for the weekend anyway.

    Jackie- Mags really proved her mental alertness in being able to roll with the punches

    Rosey- welcome! I'll check your blog out too

    Ann- It was great- we didn't do anything unusual, but just enjoyed the ordinary

    betchai- Sorry you are so far away. Can't just pop out west for a quick visit!


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