Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Red Tail Fun

I heard it before I saw it, that distinctive high, descending "ke-ee-er."

So I knew I was looking for my friend, the red-tail hawk.

red tail hawk

It was a little too far away to catch anything except the silhouette, but here's the fun part. Soon, the hawk was joined by a second one. They were not fighting, or diving at each other, so I'm thinking it was a pair. They mate for life.

I managed to get them in the same picture!

red tail hawk

See Red Tailed Hawk It Is!
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  1. A couple may also fight, as in our world.

  2. How cool is that. Nice capture. I know that sound and love to watch these creatures in action.

  3. It's pretty cool that you got them together!

  4. I had no idea they mated for life. WTG on getting both of them in one shot!!

    Happy day!

  5. I love watching hawks. I see them quite often around here although I'm not quite sure which kind they are.

  6. i love watching hawks, and other birds, though oftentimes i am confused in identifying them :)

  7. rainfield- True enough!

    Chuck- I've never seen both of them together here

    rosey- yes, that is the neat part of this sighting for me

    Jackie- Actually, I didn't know that either, but I was trying to find out what time of year they mate. Didn't learn that, but it can't be quite yet or the chicks would be hatched in winter.

    Vanilla- yes it is, yes it is!

    Ann- I know a few of them. The red tails are easy.

    betchai- I'm trying to sort some of them out, but the red tails are easy.

  8. Great sighting of the two hawks. I have a hard time capturing birds in flight. But, it is still fun trying. Great photos.


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