Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Philadelphia Flower Show 2013- London Industrial

This display won the overall award for best major landscape display. I liked it a lot, but I wish there would have been more interpretation. I don't know if it's supposed to look like some particular place, or is just trying to build on the idea of an industrial area being overtaken by plants.

Philadelphia Flower Show 2013 London Industrial

It was set up like a studio/workroom, and inside were lots of plants with interesting shapes that offset the shapes of the furniture and decor.

Philadelphia Flower Show 2013 London Industrial

In an ironic twist, there was a drawing of a tree on one wall, as if someone were designing a new project. I like how it complements the carved door panel.

Philadelphia Flower Show 2013 London Industrial

Outside the walls of the studio the daffodils were echoed in metal and surrounded by brown grasses.

Philadelphia Flower Show 2013 London Industrial

Lots of daffodil echoes here! The award particularly noted the good combination of manufactured with natural items.

Philadelphia Flower Show 2013 London Industrial

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  1. A very interesting display and I love the drawing of the tree

  2. Well, I really like that. It would be nice if more industrial areas incorporated beautiful floral displays and designs.


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