Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sunflowers in the Wind

Actually, the thing that brought the biggest smile to my face today has no pictures, so I'll just tell you about that first. I stopped for a few minutes at a friend's house, and he has a big Old English Sheep Dog named Cunningham. I got a major dog fix with kisses and wiggles and happy dog looks. It made me happy all afternoon, whenever I thought about it.

However, these also made me smile. Jerusalem Artichoke, Sunchoke, Helianthus tuberosus. Just a lovely patch of them, dancing in the breeze. Enjoy.

Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke

See Jerusalem Artichoke
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  1. Dogs always brighten up my days. Mostly my dog, but even other people's dogs.

  2. Love to eat the tubers from Jerusalem Artichokes.

  3. nothing like dog kisses to make your day.
    You got a double dose of happy today

  4. I love those dogs! You don't see them much anymore. :(

  5. Ratty- It's amazing. I didn't quite understand how much I miss a dog

    Hi Gnome- I love the bright color

    Chuck- I haven't tried them. Never found a place and time that seemed OK to dig them

    Ann- yes, indeed!

    Lin- I haven't seen one in a long time

  6. Great shot with the bee and, of course, yellow flowers are my favorites.

    How nice to get warm fuzzies from the pooch. I know you must always be missing Maggie.

  7. This would be a good time right now. I think you would like the texture and the flavor.


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