Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, September 12, 2013


It's beginning to look like autumn here. Not anywhere near full color, but a few trees are turning. This early sumac doesn't look chilly though. I think it looks positively tropical. Red or orange is typical.

staghorn sumac

But how about green, yellow and pink? I think these look like dancing ladies.

staghorn sumac

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  1. What beautiful leaf changes. It's hard for me to relate to autumn with temperatures here in Mumbai at 90 degrees. At least the monsoon rains have stopped...light showers, on occasion, but no deluges like before.

  2. I always have liked the look of sumac. Even if folks called me nuts.

  3. I've seen a lot of color from the sumac also. Beautiful color on those

  4. I love the orange sumac! They usually seem to change red around here.

  5. Hi Carmen- O, you just make me want to visit India (not) Glad you are enjoying it though

    Chuck- It's been a fav of mine since childhood

    Ann- it seems unusual- they usually go straight to red

    Gnome- yes, red is far and away the norm


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