Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

0607 - 0822

Clearly these are not nearly as good as many I saw on Facebook. I don't know how to get good moon pictures with this camera. But I was awake, so I had to try.


blood moon eclipse


blood moon eclipse

And to counteract the rather sinister-looking natural phenomenon, the sunrise brought yellow light and glowing trees.


sun on trees

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  1. Wow!! Well, we were both watching the same scene at the same exact time, but my photo looks like a blurred white smear on a black canvas! It was pretty amazing to watch though and worth getting up at 5am

  2. Well-done. Really. I was still asleep.

  3. I got to see this yesterday morning. I was already at work before it started but when my manager got there he asked if I saw it so I peeked out the back door.

  4. I only read about this yesterday--too late for viewing. Your pics are fine, and they allow me to enjoy the eclipse that I missed. Thanks!

  5. Thanks for showing me what I missed. The only thing I saw at that hour was the back of my eyelids.

  6. Loretta- I don't think these are very good pictures. I just have to learn how to do this better. Probably need manual settings.

    vanilla- I woke up, so I decided to look.

    Ann- I'm glad you got to see it.

    Chuck and Lin- I'm actually glad I got to see this. It WAS different from others I've watched. The red color was awesome.


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