Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Lakes of the Day

Out doing work assignments. The day got nicer and nicer, and it's hard to beat sun on lakes for beautiful scenery.

This is a fairly large inland lake, Woodland Lake. This section isn't overrun with cottages, and the colors are starting to develop nicely in the trees.

Woodland Lake

I made a quick latrine stop at Nichols Lake. To you, this is just another lake you don't know. But it's a familiar place to me because the North Country Trail goes right along the shore for a distance. In fact, I was almost standing in the trail to take this picture.

Nichols Lake

The third lake I stopped at was very interesting. I think that part of it is likely to be a acid bog. It looked like larch growing, and floating mats of vegetation. It's called Island Lake. I don't think I'd seen it before. I found some wild grape vines on the edge, and the grapes were exceptionally sweet for wild ones. I ate several bunches, and continued on with purple lips!

Island Lake

There were quite a few interesting details to photograph there. I liked this little reflection best.

Island Lake reflection

No surprise, one of my cases was on Lake Michigan. And what west coast day would be complete without the beauty of the big lake.

Lake Michigan

See Tour De Lacs
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  1. Now that sounds like an interesting day, even if you did have to work.

  2. Really nice Fall colors on Woodland Lake. We won't be seeing this for at least another month...

  3. What a peaceful way to spend part of your day. That first one is really pretty with all it's fall color showing

  4. What gorgeous photos, Joan. I wish I hadn't had to be stuck indoors for my work!

  5. Quality day, indeed! Your colors are ahead of ours.

  6. Ahead of ours too. Gotta love those beautiful fall colors. You do find the quality in a day.

  7. Great pics as usual, Joan. And I see what you mean about my beach being like yours.


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