Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Fun, Friends, Food

We just hung out today, ferried the girls to their activities, ate a lot of food and had fun.

Casper the cat is a new addition since my last visit. Quite a handsome fellow.

white cat

We played a game that was new to me called Forbidden Island. It was only the fourth time they had played it. Instead of a competitive game, it's collaborative. You have to work together as a team to collect certain items from the island and then all airlift away before the island sinks under rising floodwaters. They had never won it before, but had learned a lot of strategy ideas from the previous attempts. We managed to win, with much cheering and high-fives.

Forbidden Island

Then we had dessert. Of course I forgot to picture it, because then all we were interested in was eating it! We had brownies with ice cream, chocolate sauce, whipped cream and raspberries. We did a great job at making empty bowls.

empty bowls

We also decided that Monday will be flower show day, so tomorrow will be more family/friend fun.

See Arriving in Philadelphia
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  1. I've never heard of that game. It sounds interesting and the dessert sounds totally yummy


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