Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, September 28, 2015

Butterflies Like Purple!

OK, butterflies like all kinds of colors of flowers. But I recently got two good pictures on purple flowers.

The first was in New York, a monarch butterfly on New York ironweed. Incidentally, you'll never see a truer, darker purple in nature than ironweed, Vernonia noveboracensis

Monarch butterfly on New York ironweed

The other picture I took just a couple of days ago. It's a common cabbage butterfly on New England aster. And while we're doing "incidentallys," this lighter shade of the New England aster seems to be quite common here. It must have gotten established and I see fields of it mixed with the darker ones.

Monarch butterfly on New York ironweed

I never get tired of seeing sights like these!

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  1. These are stunning pictures. Colors are great. Well-done.

  2. Beauty surrounds us, if only we can see.

  3. both very pretty pictures. I don't get tired of seeing this kind of stuff either


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