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Friday, September 6, 2013

Something Worth Looking At?

What is Micah looking at so intently? Has he developed a strong love for daisies?

Monarch on Shasta daisies

Is there something hiding in the flowers?

Monarch on Shasta daisies

A Monarch butterfly collecting energy for its long flight.

Monarch on Shasta daisies

Micah's mom said she couldn't remember how to tell if it was a boy or a girl butterfly. Micah said, "It's a girl."

"How do you know?" Mom said.

"All butterflies are girls!" Now you know. Micah said so.

(This was taken at a work assignment, but His mom said I could use his picture)

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The Furry Gnome said...

Glad to see at least one picture of a monarch from this summer!

Rick (Ratty) said...

I think of certain animals as either boys or girls, but I don't think I ever thought about it with butterflies. This post makes me wonder why not.

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Wonderful post. So sweet. And I love the images of the beautiful Monarch.

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...
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Ann said...

love the pictures and Micah's wisdom concerning butterflies :)

Lin said...

I used to raise monarch butterflies. The males have a large dot on one of the veins on the wings...on the lower part of each wing. It is not hard to see--you can spot it very easily.

Secondary Roads said...

I thought I'd learned something news when I read this. Then I read Lin's post and did learn something new.

Duxbury Ramblers said...

We don't have Monarchs but we see them in our butterfly conservatories - but I have just learned that we do get the very rare migrant, amazing.

RNSANE said...

Daisies are my favorite of all flowers...and they abound in the San Francisco area ( in fact, I think that's where I first remember seeing one - when I was visiting as a teenager ). Of course, Monarch butterflies abound in our area, too...I always love seeing them.