Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, April 4, 2016

It's Map Time

Few things excite me as much as maps for whatever hike is next. This year the big hike will be more of the Buckeye Trail in Ohio. Although the miles we'll be doing are near Akron they are mostly in the Cuyahoga Valley. There will be more off-road than on-road miles. This is supposed to be a particularly scenic section.

Buckeye Trail Maps

So I spent a couple of pleasant hours working on potential itineraries. Next step... get Marie to discuss the plan. But she's off in Arizona with her SIL. Soon, I hope. Meanwhile, I'm grinning and planning and scheming.

See Now Where?
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  1. That will be great. Please take photos. I'd like to share your experience on the trail.

  2. oh Chuck- no need to worry about that!

  3. Isn't it fun to plan and anticipate the hike?!


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