Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Yellow Flowers

Since real life has me pretty busy right now (if you are on Facebook, you know that son Joshua is in the hospital), I will continue to do easy posts of flowers from Stan Hywet for a couple more days.

Today you get yellow!

Here's a lovely hibiscus. They look like cartoon flowers, or maybe some sort of spy antennae.


The yellow day lilies were looking great. Don't know exactly which variety these are, but since I haven't met too many day lilies I don't like, it doesn't really matter.

yellow day lily

This was a new plant to me. It's called Carolina lupine, but it's not really a lupine. The scientific name is Thermopsis caroliniana. About all they have in common is both being legumes, and the flower shape is similar.

Carolina lupine
My favorite yellow flower of the day, however, was this yellow begonia. I think I just love the pure color. There isn't the slightest hint of orange.

yellow begonia

And now, I think I'm going to call it a day. I don't do medical advocate all that well, and it's tiring.

See Red Flowers
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  1. our sons have the same name. a speedy recovery to him

  2. sorry to hear Joshua is in the hospital. Wishing him a speedy recovery.
    I had a hibiscus for one year. Apparently they sold the tropical kind that can't survive our winters.

  3. Beautiful, Joan. The top flower is hibiscus. I had red ones one year, just annuals in our area. ;o)

  4. Lovely photos, Joan. do hope Josh is making a good recovery and will soon be back on his feet.

  5. I particularly like the hibiscus. Also hoping for a speedy recovery for Josh.


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