Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Poison Hemlock

The pictures are a throwback to last summer, but I just finished writing an article about poison hemlock for the North Star. (North Country Trail magazine). It's all I've accomplished today. Last night at work was hard and I slept most of the day.

This is a plant you don't want to fool around with. It was used by the ancient Greeks to administer capital punishment... eg. the death of Socrates.

poison hemlock

Key features are tall plants with dark green fern-like leaves and a flat cluster of white flowers. The stem is smooth and hollow. It may have purple mottling. Will grow anywhere but prefers moist soil.

poison hemlock

I blogged about this plant once before, but pictures in different settings and lighting can help us learn to recognize the plant. You're welcome.

See Bad Plant, Good Pictures
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