Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Spots and Spikes

Tried to sandwich a walk in between rain events today. Got half a walk in between! The rest of the walk was pretty wet.

The willow trees are trying hard to look spring-like. Lots of pussies fuzzing the stems.

willow catkins

The other kinds of spots were all hanging from branches. I was so mentally focused on the water drops I didn't realize about the spikes till I got home and looked at this picture. I like the contrast of the vicious thorns with the soft droplets.

water droplets on blackberry cane

It was so wet the fish were swimming in the road. OK, not really, but it sure looks like one.

gravel looks like a fish

See Little White Spots Before My Eyes
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  1. The willow looks lovely in it's spring wear

  2. By the look of it, that could be a whale in the road.

  3. Chuck- that's what I thought too, but it was a bit small.

    Ann- yes... I'm ready for more signs of spring. Soon!


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