Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, October 27, 2017

It's a Wrap

Officially the end of work on the shell of the trailer for the season.

covered trailer

As you can see from the overall whiteness, I got close to having the surface really cleaned up. You can see remnants of glued on weatherstripping on the door edge. There are other places you can't see. There is fiberglass and filler work to do.

I got one window out and learned that the wood one side fastens to is in poor shape, so that will have to be replaced too.

camper trailer

Ester brought a huge used tarp that we used less than half of to double cover the trailer for the winter. I plan to fasten this down tighter very soon because we get serious wind on our hill. But she helped me get the tarp over it and do the parts that were hard to do alone.

covered trailer

I will be able to do some fabric stuff inside over the winter, but that's about all. More time to write, right?

Accountability report:
Are you kidding? With the 150th Year edition of the paper, I've been working extra hours there, and am too tired to think. Going back for the night in a couple of hours.

Index for Trailer Refurbish
So Much for This Goal
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  1. You have made a lot of progress. Now a reason to anticipate Spring! I feel your pain, though-- winterized the RV this week.

  2. You got a lot done on that this year. You'll be in good shape to finish it up next year.

  3. It looks great and you have accomplished much. How exciting to plan for the Spring ahead!


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