Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, November 20, 2017

The Face in the Not-Quite-a-Rock

When I was out searching for angles to photograph on Saturday, I discovered I have my very own face in the rock. OK, so concrete isn't quite a bonafide rock, but it's close. See the profile? The angles you saw the other day even make wavy hair.

With his flat top, he looks Easter Island-ish, except for the fat nose. Maybe he was only a visitor.

profile of a face

It's the week of the Black Friday editions of every newspaper. Lots of extra hours at work so don't expect anything terribly meaningful on the blog.

See What's Your Angle?
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  1. Good eye. Not sure I would have spotted that without it being pointed out to me. Hope the week goes by quick for you

  2. It needs some googly eyes... :)

    Be careful of your back as you work those extra hours! I can only imagine how much you have going in the next few days with the paper.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  3. Try inverting that image and you'll see a more interesting face . . . and hair.

  4. Chuck- interesting... it definitely changes to a girl!


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